Residential Solutions

Made to Measure (M2M) solutions for residential borrowers

We cater to a wide range of residential borrowers, aiming to help Canadians on their homeownership journey; and investors create more inventory and housing supply to meet the growing demand for housing. 

Residential Firsts

Residential Seconds



Residential Refis

Flexible/No Income

Lending Guidelines

Rates starting at 7.99% 

Fees starting at 1.99%

No income required,  proof of ability to service the mortgage

Rush files closing in 24 hours 

LTV up to 75% on firsts, and 85% on seconds

Competitive Features

Property held in Holding Company

No cap on number of properties

No cap on number of doors

Lending on appraised value for pre-construction

Lending on After Repair Value (ARV)


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